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June 29, 2024

“When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This quote is seen in the actions of the high priest and the chief of the Jews, for several times they have attempted to get Paul under their jurisdiction so they might kill him, and chapter twenty-five reveals their latest attempt. Paul has been imprisoned for two years in Caesarea, and his enemies have not forgotten about him. Thus, they try yet another time to get Paul using Festus, the newly appointed governor.

Prior to taking up residence in Caesarea, Festus visited Jerusalem. While there, he met with the high priest and the chief of the Jews, who, desirous to have Paul moved back to Jerusalem, shared falsities with him about Paul. However, Festus refused their request and instructed them to accompany him to Caesarea, where they could legally state their accusations.

The day after they arrived in Caesarea, Festus held a hearing, and the Jews voiced their unsubstantiated complaints. When given an opportunity to speak, Paul said, “Neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Caesar, have I offended anything at all.” Festus, wanting to gain the goodwill of the Jews, inquired of Paul if he wanted to go back to Jerusalem and stand trial, but Paul stated as a Roman citizen, he rather make his appeal to Caesar. With that being said and after conferring with his council, Festus stated, “Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go,” and thus he continued Paul’s imprisonment.

Several days later, King Agrippa and his sister, Bernice, arrived in Caesarea and met with Festus. Subsequently, thinking the king was probably more knowledgeable in matters of the Jewish faith, Festus shared his encounter with the Jews in Jerusalem. He shared their accusations concerning Paul, the tribunal he held in Caesarea, which was not what he expected but rather a religious dispute on whether Jesus was alive or dead, and finally, Paul’s appeal to Caesar. Upon hearing these details, King Agrippa consented to meet with Paul.  

So, the next day, amidst royal trappings, King Agrippa, Bernice, Festus, military officers, and city leaders gathered to hear from Paul. After Paul was brought into the courtroom, Festus opened the inquiry by sharing his history of involvement with Paul. Additionally, he voiced his desire to have the king assist him in formulating a charge against Paul that he could forward to Caesar in Rome, and chapter twenty-five ends with this request.

As I’ve done previously, I close with these nuggets I gleaned from Acts 25:

Your enemies are relentless in their evil activities.

Your enemy continuously plots to kill you.

Beware of people’s possible hidden agenda when you are trying to please them.

Check the validity of people’s complaints.

Resist the pressure to do something with which you are not at ease.

Unfortunately, time does not help murderous hatred to subside.

For your own safety, know your citizen’s rights.

A good magistrate will have a council with whom they can confer.

When God is with you, He can turn things in your favor.

Toward your ultimate destination, there are stops along the way.


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