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May 25, 2024

After the tumult ended, Paul met with the disciples and bade them farewell before heading to Macedonia. Being a responsible and caring missionary, Paul traveled through various cities, revisiting and encouraging the new believers who resided in those areas. Arriving in Greece, he stayed for three months until an insidious plot by the Jews against him was revealed. This caused him to divert his sailing plans and travel by land.

Traveling part of the journey with Paul into Asia were seven Gentile companions: Sopater, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Timotheus, Tychicus, and Trophimus. Finally boarding a ship at Philippi and joined by Luke, Paul arrived in Troas and, on that Sunday, fellowshipped with the Troas brethren. Paul preached into the night, and a young man named Eutychus, who was present and sitting on the windowsill, fell asleep and fell out of the window. Landing three stories below, Eutychus died; however, Paul went and gathered him in his arms, and life was restored in Eutychus. Happily, they returned to the third floor and had communion, and Paul continued preaching until dawn, when he departed the gathering.

Now sailing, Paul traveled through Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Trogyllium, and into Miletus, where he requested that the leaders from Ephesus meet him. When they arrived, he shared a farewell address, which included his ministry time in Ephesus, his present situation, and their future responsibilities. Paul told how he humbly, boldly, with impeccable behavior, served the Lord and preached the same message to the Jews and Greeks of faith in Jesus Christ. He discussed his emotional state, the opposition he experienced, and being compelled to go to Jerusalem despite the prophesied ill fate that awaited him when he arrived there. He warned the leaders to watch out for the flock because there would be wolves who would come with evil intentions. Additionally, Paul entrusted the leadership to God, who would build them up. He reminded them to take care of the poor, for it was more blessed to give than to receive. Knowing they would never meet again, Paul ended his farewell address by kneeling and praying for those gathered. Chapter twenty ends with a great deal of crying and kissing as the leaders sadly walk Paul back onto the ship.

Here are the nuggets I gleaned from Acts 20:

Your safety is essential while you are involved in ministry.

Revisiting and encouraging new converts is beneficial.

Though rewarding missionary work can be laborious and life-threatening.

Traveling with a missionary team provides support and allows ministry responsibilities to be shared.

Human bodies can only stay awake for so long before becoming tired and falling asleep.

The power of God is able to raise the dead.

Use every opportunity to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

The minister’s character should be exemplary.

Leaders must watch out for the people in their care.

Direct leadership to God, who is able to keep them.

Saying farewell to people you love can be emotional.


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